An Overview of COVID-19 Employment Law Issues

States across the country have issued stay-at-home orders and Federal legislation, for the first time, has imposed paid leave obligations impacting the way employers manage their employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (Families First Act) imposed paid leave obligations and the the CARES Act changes the economics of layoffs, furloughs, and reduced hours for employers.

Comptroller Postpones Taxing Medical Billing Services Until 2021 (Update)

The state comptroller’s office announced that it will postpone the date, to April 1, 2020, when medical practices will be required to pay taxes (6.25%) on medical billing services provided by an outside company.

The House has another new proposal to address “surprise” medical bills

House Ways and Means Committee Chair Richard Neal (D-Mass.) and Ranking Member Kevin Brady (R-Texas) recently announced  the committee has come up with a compromise bill  to address so-called "surprise" medical bills, Modern Healthcare reports.

Judge Says Severing Breach Of Contract, Extra-contractual Claims Is Warranted

A Texas federal judge recently granted a homeowners insurer's motion to sever extra-contractual claims from a breach of contract claim after determining that trying the breach of contract claim with the extra-contractual claims could be prejudicial to the homeowners insurer.
